Sunday, June 13, 2010


Mom and Dad have been able to attend church twice in the time they've been here and both weeks have been drama free.  Sacrament Meeting yesterday was especially inspiring.  I have to say that it has certainly been the most uplifting and inspiring meeting we've had as a ward and possibly in the whole time we've been here both as a branch and a ward.  Forgiveness was the topic and the Spirit was so strong.  Ren Thachter, one of the young men who has been working summers for Aaron Ellsworth for the last 6 summers, spoke on repentance and Alma the younger.  Sister Lynette Duncan spoke on forgiving others as she related her own story of hate and forgiveness as she dealt with the emotions she felt towards the young men who murdered her father and sister.  She was very open yet appropriate as she related the path her life took as she faced the trauma it caused and her journey from active young woman to her falling away and her return to the fold and how the hate and ultimate forgiveness all played a part in it.  Brother Wayne Brumbley spoke on forgiving ourselves and how important it is.  It was just a tremendous meeting.

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