Thursday, January 12, 2017

Our Eagle Scout

Between 7-8 PM this evening Carter went into a room with 3 gentlemen selected to represent the Boy Scout Council and gave an accounting of his journey to Eagle Scout.  Carter recited the Law and the Oath like he'd done a hundred times before, but this time he had to explain to the Board what those things meant and what they meant to him.

Carter has worked hard for the last 5 years and just five days past his 16th birthday he was unanimously approved to receive his Eagle Scout Award.  He was told that he had completed an exceptional project and that his packet/binder, that tracked all of it, was the best they'd ever seen.  They asked him how much of it he did and how much his parents did and he proudly reported that he had done all the work.  Elizabeth and I helped him along the way but Carter did the work and the project is intended to have the Scout lead and not to do all the work.

Carter cried on the way home because he felt the magnitude of what he had accomplished.  Only 4% of all scouts actually achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.  I am part of that number and I am proud to welcome Carter to the Eagle's Nest.

We were instructed not to plan a Court of Honor until we receive the official paperwork from National but the date recorded for his advancement will be January 12, 2017.  The nice thing about this is that the weather will be more conducive to family visiting and we have plenty of time to plan and prepare an excellent program.