Well this year is shaping up to be a good one. Let's never mind that I haven't posted anything on here for over a year but I'm determined to try again in 2010.
Since the last post I've lost considerable weight and then gained a fair portion of it back again. We took our family photo at just the right time. I was almost at my lowest weight in 4 years and I was feeling great. Of course then I had a long string of weeks and months where I was traveling and not exercising or eating as well as I should have been. Then we hit the holidays and I added a little more Holiday Chub as I've decided to call it. Fortunately I only gained back a little over half of what I lost and I got some weights for Christmas so I can lift AND run now and I hope to have the weight off again and then some in time for our family reunion in late July.
Carter will be 9 tomorrow and I just can't believe how much he's grown and how far he's come. Hard to believe he'll be getting the Aaronic Priesthood in 3 short years. He's very small for his age but he makes up for it in moxie and I was small too and not nearly as self confident or assertive as he is so he'll do just fine. In the last year he took off in the Cub Scout program and earned all kinds of badges and awards and advanced to Bobcat and Wolf. This year it will be the Bear. Scouts is something he and I really enjoy doing together and when it's warm out we shoot hoops.
Madelyn is 4 and it was fun to have her fourth birthday on the 4th of July. She's a go getter and she plays the piano every chance she gets. She will be going to Julliard I'm certain of it, I just hope she gets scholarships :o) She told us more than once this year that it was the best Christmas ever and I think she is right. It was just the four of us but she and Carter were more excited than any other year so it was truly delightful.
Elizabeth is still the compassionate service leader and I was called as Elder's Quorum President just before Thanksgiving. I just got counselors so no more flying solo and time to get work done on building the kingdom.
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